The Film Corner
The Film Corner for all. Digital innovative environments for film and media literacy
Project budget: 662,272,22
“The Film Corner for all. Digital innovative environments for film and media literacy” is a follow-up project stemming from “The Film Corner. Online and offline activities for film literacy” and “The Film Corner Reloaded. A cultural approach” already promoted in the frame of the Creative Europe programme 2014-2020 and is based on the design, development and test of an innovative set of interactive resources, an online interactive user-centered platform for film education aimed at fostering audience engagement. The platform is based on a selection of EU arthouse films and audiovisual, both feature and heritage short and long films and audiovisual.
In the previous editions of the project a set of interactive resources have already been developed: a section dedicated to a critical approach to film language and to film as an art form, a creative approach dedicated to film and to filmmaking and a section based on an interdisciplinary and cross-curricular approach to film education. The new sections that will be developed will be strongly integrated and connected with the sections of the platform that have already been developed, will foster connections with the SVOD platform www.cinetecamilano.it – in order to better connect film education, circulation of EU films, audience engagement and monetization of content – and will both push towards the empowerment of the consolidated audience and the search for new audiences for EU arthouse films and audiovisual.
The Film Corner is an online interactive user-centered platform for film education addressed to school students aged 11-18 and their teachers and to mainstream users with the general purposes of increasing sensitivity and appreciation of film, increasing the film education average skills among EU students and fostering engagement towards film. The platform is accessible for free and is already available in IT, EN, FR, SR, SL, GE, CZ, PL.
The Film Corner platform includes
- 4 sections, called “studios”
- 7 didactical paths
- 15 interactive apps
- a selection of more than 150 extracts from classic and contemporary EU and non-EU films.
The platform has been developed in the frame of The Film Corner project, that has been run since 2016 by Fondazione Cineteca Italiana (Milan, Italy) in collaboration with a consortium of partners including: Jugoslovenska Kinoteka, the Serbian national film archive (Belgrade, Serbia), The University of Galway (Galway, Ireland), The University of Milano-Bicocca (Milan, Italy), Kino Otok (Ljubjana, Slovenia) and the Georgia National Film Centre (Tiblisi, Georgia). The Film Corner project is co-financed by the Creative Europe programme promoted by the European Commission.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
The Film Corner
Film education. Rethink the future
The Film Corner International Conference, an online event promoted by Fondazione Cineteca Italiana to trace a common path of reflection around film education across Europe
Between october 22nd and November 5th, 2020, Piccolo Grande Cinema-Cineteca Milano Festival will host the final conference of the current edition of The Film Corner, the european project that aims to design, release and test an online ineractive platform for film education. The project involves 7 European institutions in 6 EU countries and is co-financed by the European Commission in the frame of the Creative Europe Programme. The conference will take place online in English as a series of four focused seminars plus an italian day focused on institutional initiatives and national best practices showcasing.
From March 2020 until recently schools and cinemas across Europe have been closed. Teachers have had to find new ways of delivering all education, not simply film education. And now, with cinemas reopening, they will have to think of ways of bringing back audiences who for the past four/five months have been used to consuming films via streaming services.
Given that the world will not find its “new normal” shortly then key issues remain to be explored regarding film education – how it is delivered, how films can be legally accessed and also what a “new” film education pedagogy might look like. Is blended learning the answer? How can cinemas partake in this? What is on offer and what can be offered/developed? What might the future hold and what might European cooperation look like in 2021?
The conference will take place online on the Discord platform in English and in multiple panels and will host more than 20 speakers from 15 countries, representants of transnational bodies such as EFADs-European Film Agencies Directors and some of the most relevant international organizations in the field of film education including Danish Film Institute (Denmark), Vision Kino (Germany), British Film Institute (UK), Institut Français (France).
It begins on October 22nd at 5.30 pm with a panel dedicated to the use of online educational resources for film education during which a preview of the new version of The Film Corner platform will be offered, on October 28th at 5.30 pm production of audiovisuals in education and schools will be discussed, on October 29 at 1730 we will discuss how festivals and reviews take up the challenge of social distancing and it will close on 5 November with an international panel that includes the intervention of Maria Silvia Gatta, representative of the European Commission – DG Connect.
- OCT 22, 5.30 pm (CET) – Learning on screen. Online teaching resources for Film Education
- OCT 28, 5.30 pm (CET) – Young people make films. From creativity to self-expression
- OCT 29, 5.30 pm (CET) – Screenings and festivals for children and social distancing. What impact for the future?
- NOV 4, 4 pm (CET) – Tra vedere e fare. Storie e testimonianze di film education (italian day)
- NOV 5, 5.30 pm (CET) – Film Education. A European perspective
- Aleksandar Erdeljanovic (Yugoslovenska Kinoteka, SR)
- Emanuela Mancino (University of Milano-Bicocca, IT)
- Ian Wall (The Film Space, UK)
- Eavan King (The Nerve Centre, UK)
- Ana Cerar (Otok, SI)
- Tea Gabidzashvili (Georgian National FilmCentre, KA)
- Florence Dupont (Enfances au cinéma, FR)
- Enzo Bevar (Fondazione Cinemovel, IT)
- Rosa Ferro (Nuovo Fantarca, IT)
- Simone Venturini (University of Udine, IT)
- Simone Moraldi (Fondazione Cineteca Italiana, IT)
- Silvia Pareti (Fondazione Cineteca Italiana, IT)
- Simone Moraldi (Fondazione Cineteca Italiana, IT)
- Chiara Scurati (Fondazione Cineteca Italiana, IT)
- Cristiana Ferrari (Fondazione Cineteca Italiana, IT)
- Vincenzo Ardito (Cooperativa GET, Sinapsi produzioni partecipate, IT)
- Ralitsa Assenova (Arte Urbana Collectif, BG)
- Enzo Bevar (Fondazione Cinemovel ,IT)
- Emilie Boucheteil (Institu Français, FR)
- Marco Chiarini (Cineforum Teramo, IT)
- Letizia Cortini (Archivio Audiovisivo del Movimento Operaio e Democratico, IT)
- Jon Etcheverria (A bao a qu, ES)
- Rosa Ferro (Nuovo Fantarca, IT)
- Maria Leonida (Karpos, GR)
- Bernard McCloskey (Northern Ireland Screen, NI)
- Maria Silvia Gatta (European Commission, DG Connect)
- Sabine Genz (Vision Kino, DE)
- Charlotte Giese (Danish Film Institute, DE)
- Elisa Giovannelli (Fondazione Cineteca di Bologna, IT)
- Claus Noer Hjorth (EFADs- European Film Agencies Directors, DE)
- Emanuela Mancino (University of Milano-Bicocca, IT)
- Leonardo Moggi (Lanterne Magiche/Fondazione Sistema Toscana, IT)
- Tommi Nevala (Oulu Film School for Children, FI)
- Manlio Piva (Università di Padova IT)
- Mark Reid (British Film Institute, UK)
- Olaf Schneider (Neue Wege des Lernens, DE)
- Claire Shaw (Cinemagic, NI)
- Ania Stadnik-Wojtowicz (Cinema in Sneakers, PL)
- Raffaella Traniello (Corti a ponte, IT)
- Simone Venturini (Università di Udine, IT)
The film corner
R.: Tobias Weimann Con Mia Kasalo, Samuel Giraldi Denis Moschitto. Germany, 2017, 97’. © Arri Films. Young rebellious Amelie suffers from asthma and, after her last attack, her parents decide to take her to a specialized clinic in Alto Adige. Not willing to leave Berlin to go live in the mountains, Amelie runs away from the clinic looking for shelter in the mountains. Thanks to Bart, a young shepard she meets on the run, Amelie discovers a legend according to which the fires of the Alps can cure the illnesses of animals and men. Together with the boy, she decides to undergo this mysterious ritual.
R.: Joachim Dollhopf, Evi Goldbrunner. Con Luis Vorbach, Jordan Prentice. Germany, 2016, 98’. © Ratpack Filmproduktion. After his mother’s death, 11-year-old Michael is desperately looking for the father he has never met. Thanks to an old letter written by his mother, Michael discovers his father’s identity, Tom, and he manages to find him. His expectations are capsized once he finds out that Tom is a midget.
R.: Luigi Comencini. Con O. W. Fischer, Ulla Jacobsson, Vera Tschechowa. Germany, 1959, 91’. © Fondazione Cineteca Italiana. A bank clerk decides to take a day off from work and dedicate some time to himself.
R.: anonymous, Italy. ©Fondazione Cineteca Italiana.
R.: Polidor. Con Polidor. Italy, 1913 © Fondazione Cineteca Italiana. Polidor wants to drink a glass of champagne: he buys a whole bottle and uselessly tries to open it.
R. e sc.: Marc Fitoussi; con Jeanne Jestin, Émilie Dequenne; France/Belgium, 2016, 110’. © Kinology. 14-year-old Anuk has to spend a week at the insurance company where her mother Cyrielle works in order to complete her school curriculum. Despite being very young, the girl quickly discovers some anomalies within the company’s line of work. After asking for explanations, she sadly learns about the dynamics that lie behind her mom’s work and the compromises that sometimes adults can’t help but accept.
R.: Ken Loach. Con Peter Mullan, Louise Goodall, David McKay. UK/ France/ Spain/ Italy/Germany, 1998, 105’. © Ken Loach Sixteen Films. Former alcoholic Joe survives thanks to a subsidy check while coaching a football team of troubled kids. Among them is Liam, a young drug addict who sincerely bonds with Joe. Pushed by the desire to help his friend out, Joe gets himself into trouble and the situation precipitates.
R.: Emmanuel Caussé, Eric Martin, con: Zacharie Chasseriaud, Gustave Kervern, Corinne Masiero. France, 2015. © Doc&Film International. Simon is 17 and fighting lung cancer. Life is testing him and his days get tougher and tougher, however he doesn’t give up and thanks to his family, his friends and his skateboard, Simon manages to overcome even the most difficult moments.
R.: Ken Loach. Con Paul Brannigan, Roger Allam, Siobhan Reilly, John Henshaw. UK/ France, 2012, 106’. © Ken Loach Sixteen Films. Sentenced to 300 hours of social work for assault, Robbie befriends Rhino, the leader of his work group. Rhino organizes a field trip to a whiskey distillery: Robbie is fascinated and shows off incredible tasting skills. Once he’s told the value of a barrel kept in the distillery, he comes up with a plan to ensure his family a decent future.
R.: Ken Loach; con: Con Joe Duttine, Tom Craig, Venn Tracey, Steve Huison. UK, 2001, 96’. © Ken Loach Sixteen Films. After the privatization of a UK railway warehouse, a team of maintanance workers and long-time friends is split up and divided among different companies. Precariousness, redundances, unpaid leaves and no guarantees are the main characteristics of the new job.
R.: Orson Welles; con: Loretta Young, Edward G. Robinson, Orson Welles. USA, 1946, 95’. © Jugoslovenska Kinoteka. Hiding his real identity, a former nazi who ran away from the Nurnberg trial finds shelter in a small American town where he marries the daughter of an important attorney. A detective arrives in town, capsizing the plans of the runaway.
R.: Fritz Lang; con: Edward G. Robinson, Dan Duryea, Joan Bennett. USA, 1944, 99’. © Jugoslovenska Kinoteka. An old criminology professor, married with kids, meets a beautiful woman and falls for her. From that moment he gets involved in a series of misadventures that capsize his life and lead him to commit a murder…
R.: Mario Mattoli. Con Ferruccio Tagliavini, Carlo Campanini, Silvana Jachino. Italy, 1942, 78’. © Fondazione Cineteca Italiana. A young man from the countryside receives an invitation from the director of an important theater who wants to engage him. The young man is enthusiastic and rushes to the theater, only to find out that he was the victim of a bad prank from his cousin. Ashamed, he decides not to go back to his town and finds a position in the theater as a stagehand. Soon he has the opportunity to show off his singing skills and the director finally decides to engage him.
R.: Marcel Fabre; con Marcel Fabre, Marcel Fernández Peréz. Italy, 1914, 5’. © Fondazione Cineteca Italiana. An adulterous love story entirely recounted by solely filming the protagonists’ feet.
R.: Ken Loach. Con Pilar Padilla, Adrien Brody, Elpidia Carrello, Benicio Del Toro.UK/ Germany/ Spain, 2000, 112’. © Ken Loach Sixteen Films. Mexican girl Maya crosses the US border and joins her sister Rosie, who works for a cleaning company. Maya is hired by the same company, but she’s struck to see the conditions in which her coworkers live: they have no rights nor guarantees and they can be fired at any moment. With the help of trade unionist Sam, Maya organizes a worker’s assembly in order to get better work conditions from her superiors.
R.: Olivier Peyon; con Eitan Grinspun, Cédric Villani. France, 2013, 99’. © Doc&Film International. Working for the students of the whole world, often angry at the uselessness of studying mathematics, the director interviews some of the world’s brightest minds in order to unfold the extraordinary uses of mathematical sciences.
R.: Ken Loach. Con Sandy Ratcliff, Grace Cave, Bill Dean, Malcolm Tierney. UK, 1971, 110’. © Ken Loach Sixteen Films. Janice grows up in an English middle class family: her mother is repressive and bossy, her father pretty much always absent. Facing an unexpected pregnancy, the girl is forced to abort by her mother: this episode will have dramatic consequences on her psychological and emotional balance.
R.: Nicolas Bary. Con Sacha Pinault, Pierre Richard, François Damiens. France, 2017, 86’. © TF1. Just like every member of his family before him, Spirou will become an elevator operator in a grand hotel. However, right before starting to attend the school for elevator operators, he decides to come clean with the dreams for his future and his love for little Suzette.
R.: Ken Loach. Con Steve Evets, Éric Cantona, Stephanie Bishop. UK/ France/ Spain/ Italy/ Belgium, 2009, 116’. © Ken Loach Sixteen Films. Eric Bishop leads a messy life: after quitting his first wife Lily, whom he still loves, and his daughter Sam, he now lives with the children of his second ex wife. One evening, during a moment of deep self-commiseration, Manchester United’s great Eric Cantona appears before his eyes: thanks to his help, Sam will finally be able to put his life together.
R.: Kristóf Deák. Con Dorka Gáspárfalvi, Zsófia Szamosi, Dorka Hais. Hungary, 2016, 25’. © Premiere Film. Zsofi loves singing and, once she moves to a new school, she doesn’t hesitate to join the choir. Director Erika, however, asks her and other less skilled children to sing softly in order not to ruin their classmates’ singing. Zsofi will quickly succeed in overthrowing the injust order imposed by the director and singing together with the rest of the choir. 2017 Oscar for Best Short Movie.
R.: Amanda Kernell. Con Lene Cecilia Sparrok, Mia Erika Sparrok, Maj-Doris Rimpi. Sweden, 2017, 110’. Ella-Marja belongs to the Sami people, which are confined and discriminated by Swedish people. In order to escape this evil treatment and to live a normal life, she renounces to the traditions of her people and runs away pretending to be Swedish. 2017 Lux Award.
R.: John Ford; con: Henry Fonda, Dolores Del Rio, Pedro Armendáiz. USA, 1947, 104’. © Jugoslovenska Kinoteka. In a country in South America, christians are persecuted and the clergymen try to escape. Only a missionary priest is determined to stay and fight his faith, hiding from the authorities thanks to a woman and an outlaw that he meets along his path.
R.: Robert Siodmak; con: George Brent, Kent Smith, Dorothy McGuire, Ethel Barrymore. USA, 1946, 83’. © Jugoslovenska Kinoteka. In a small countryside town, a crazy killer kills a young woman with physical malformations. A girl who’s become mute due to a shock moves to a big mansion to take care of an old lady; here she is chased and threatened by the crazy killer running free.
R.: Ken Loach. Con Cillian Murphy, Pádraic Delaney, Liam Cunningham. Ireland, 2006, 127’. © Ken Loach Sixteen Films Ireland, 1920. The country is fighting for its independence against the British army and, after witnessing the abuses committed by the English soldiers, young Damien joins the rebels. Among the IRA fighters there is also his brother, Teddy, but their paths will be split by the collapse of the political situation.
R.: Jean Negulesco; con: Claudette Colbert, Patric Knowles. USA, 1950, 105’. © Jugoslovenska Kinoteka. At the wake of World War II, English woman Agnes Newton Keith is trapped in the Borneo together with her American husband Harry during the Japanese invasion of the country. Despite the liniency of one of the Japanese commanders, the woman is turtured and humiliated by the guards.